Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Immigration Is A Crucial Topic For The Presidential Race

The Nominees Immigration is a crucial topic for the 2016 Presidential race. It has been an of the issue for many Presidential races in the past. The two candidates I will be discussing and their policy views on immigration are the two that I will believe will be their party’s nominee, Donald J Trump with the Republican Party and Hilary R Clinton with the Democratic Party. Illegal immigration gets underreported and often swept under the rug. D.U.I. deaths and other incarceration statistics caused by illegal immigration in this paper are not reports you will not likely find in the main stream media. Donald Trump’s views and Hilary Clintons are polar opposite. Donald Trump views immigration as a threat to the United States economy and†¦show more content†¦However, one can argue these people broke the law the second they crossed the border.. The immigration law is there so immigrants can enter America legally and fairly and so government knows who is coming in and why. Undocumented immigrants pose a high risk to America and its citizens. Hilary Clinton also has three principles, â€Å"Enact a comprehensive immigration reform to create pathways to citizenship, keep families together, and enable millions of immigrant workers to come out of the shadows.† Second, â€Å"End family detention and close private detention centers.† Finally, â€Å"Defend President Obamas executive action to provide deportation relief for dreamers and parents of these born in the United States and lawful residents and extend those actions to additional persons with sympathetic cases if congress refuses to act.† Clinton views sound much more helpful and more politically correct than Trumps. Although, keeping families together and bringing immigrant workers out of the shadows should not be a problem if they all weren’t breaking the law to begin with. The issues are much more troubling the more you look at the havoc they are causing to the United States citizens and the economy. Another aspect of illegal immigration is crime and the costed associated with it. Immigrants that are here illegally are costing United States taxpayers roughly 6 trillion

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